Monday 8 April 2013

Life so far ¬

Life. I have always wondered. What is the meaning to it? I'm 13. I know nothing. Growing up as the eldest with a younger sister, my parents often cherished her more than they did with me, or so I thought. Being a boy, growing up posed many different problems. For example, NAPFA Tests Grades. The most common reason. NS. Another favourite. I'm fat. there I admitted it. I'm fat but not overweight. Always wanting to lose weight for the past few years. Finally did ;D People, people, people. where am I leading off to now XD but anyways, what I've been trying to say was that Life is great. Cherish it while you have it. You never know what might happen. My ah ma gets bullied by her son and daughter-in-law. Thats shameless woman is evil. MAKE ME SO PEK CEK!!! ><  but that's enough for today. Bye peepo. See you next time (:


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